Lippumäki overpressure hall

Booking services Tilavarauspalvelut: 017 182 550, tilavaraukset(at)
Up-to-date booking status (Timmi / Tilatori)
Fault reports:
Servica / Kiinteistöpalvelut, 044 4260 400
General rules of Lippumäki overpressure hall
Hourly prices at 8-22 o’clock.
Juniors under 18 years from registered sports clubs in Kuopio.:
Artificial grass pitch 75x145m (3/3) €72/h
Artificial grass pitch 75x145m (1/3) €27/h
Groups where more than half (>50%) of the participants are under 18 years of age at the time of booking are eligible for the reduced daily rate for groups under 18.
Other users:
Artificial grass pitch 75x145m (3/3) €119.50/h
Artificial grass pitch 75x145m (1/3) €50/h
Prices are valid from 1.1.2025 (incl. VAT 14%). Commercial use by separate agreement (VAT 14% for sports use, VAT 25,5% for non-sport use).
The fee applies to tournaments, league games, camps and other events.
Contact information
Street address: Rauhalahdentie 66
Post code: 70820
Post office: Kuopio
District: Petonen
Phone: 017 182 550
Additional information
Pintamateriaali sulana: Tekonurmi
Kentän pituus m: 145m
Yleisö-wc: Yes
Kentän leveys m: 74m
Tulostaulu: Yes
Lisätieto: Koko tila 74m x 145m Iso kenttä 64m x 100m Junnukentät (3 kpl) 40m x 64m