Contact information

Street address: Rauhalahdentie 66

Post code: 70780

Post office: Kuopio

District: Petonen


Phone: 017 182 111

Additional information

Valaistus: Yes

Kioski: Yes

Kenttien lkm: 1

Kentän pituus m: 185m

Pintamateriaali sulana: Asfaltti

Kentän leveys m: 75m

Lisätieto: Talvella kaksi luistinrataa, joista toinen 400m ja toinen 250m. Kesällä alueella kaksi koripallokenttää ja kaksi tenniskenttää.

Ottelukello: Yes

Yleisö-wc: Yes

Pukukopit: Yes

Lippumäki synthetic ice rink

Lippumäki synthetic ice rink

If you are planning to go ice skating in Lippumäki, please make sure to check from the link below that the ice rink is free to use. The Rink has been divided in to sections, one for ice hockey players and the other for public ice skating.
See this link for more detailed use and maintenance times: Lippumäki ice rink

Normal operating hours, ice hockey and public ice skating sections.
Mon 08:00-18:00
Tue  08:00- 22:00
Wed 08:00- 18:00
Thu 08:00- 19:00
Fri 08:00- 22:00
Sat 10:30- 22:00
Sun 08:00 -22:00
The time required for maintenance in daytime during weekdays may vary depending on the condition of the ice and prevailing weather conditions. This normally takes place between 14:30 and 18:00 o’clock. Check the above link for information on a given date.
In the mornings, the ice rink is maintained on weekdays between 6:00 and 8:00 o’clock and on weekends between 7:00 and 9:00.
During these hours, the rink is not available for other use. The ice rink staff asks those using the rinks to leave them before the start of maintenance work. Slots reserved for the local ice skating club’s (KuLS) speed skating / tour skating training limits the use of the venue at the following times:

  • Mon 18:30-20:00 / 20:00- 22.00 users without a hockey stick
  • Wed 18:30-20:00 / 20:00- 22.00 users without a hockey stick
    Thu 19:30-21:00
  • Sat  09:00-10.30
  • Locals have been happy to welcome the new Lippumäki synthetic ice rink, and various user groups have been enjoying different sports on ice right from the get go. It goes without saying that groups such as families with children wielding hockey sticks and pucks, and the fastest tour skaters have slightly different needs for using the ice rink venue. As we want to make sure everyone using the rink can do so comfortably and safely, we hope you will regard others using the venue with kindness. There’s room for everyone! To ensure that everyone will continue to have a good time using the rink, a decision has been made to restrict the 400-metre ice skating track surrounding the venue to tour skaters and speed skaters during specific times reserved for them. During the slots reserved for tour skaters, they skate the 400 m track in a counter-clockwise direction. No skiers with hockey sticks may use the venue at this time. This is done for safety reasons.
  • If the venue gate is closed, it may be because of a training slot reserved for speed skaters or maintenance of the ice skating areas.
  • During heavy snowfall, the maintenance will take longer than normally (30 min).
  • You may not use ski poles on the asphalt used to cover the synthetic ice rink unless the tip pole is covered. Sharp pole tips damage the rink surface.

Heated locker rooms serve users during opening hours in the Tuplajäät ice arena located next to the venue next to the synthetic ice rink. To make sure your blades keep sharp enough for you to manage tight curves and stops, we recommend using skate blade guards during transitions.

Have fun ice skating!

More information under Exercise and outdoor activities:
More information about the synthetic ice rink

Contact information

Street address: Rauhalahdentie 66

Post code: 70780

Post office: Kuopio

District: Petonen


Phone: 017 182 111

Additional information

Valaistus: Yes

Kioski: Yes

Kenttien lkm: 1

Kentän pituus m: 185m

Pintamateriaali sulana: Asfaltti

Kentän leveys m: 75m

Lisätieto: Talvella kaksi luistinrataa, joista toinen 400m ja toinen 250m. Kesällä alueella kaksi koripallokenttää ja kaksi tenniskenttää.

Ottelukello: Yes

Yleisö-wc: Yes

Pukukopit: Yes