Contact information

Street address: Puijonlaaksontie 14

Post code: 70200

Post office: Kuopio


Phone: 017 182 550

Additional information

Kioski: Yes

Kenttien lkm: 1

Kentän pituus m: 115m

Katettua katsomoa hlö: 1000

Pintamateriaali sulana: Hiekkatekonurmi

Kentän leveys m: 55m

Ottelukello: Yes

Pukukopit: Yes

Katsomon kapasiteetti hlö: 1400

Pinta-ala m2: 6325㎡

Äänentoisto: Yes

Puijo baseball stadium

Puijo baseball stadium

The Puijo baseball stadium is located in the Puijo sports and recreation venue, located some 1.5 kilometres from Kuopio city centre. Play Finland’s national sport, pesäpallo or Finnish baseball, in front of a 1,400-seat grandstand.

You can reach a large parking area located behind the grandstand from the Puijonlaaksontie road. You can access the grandstand from the area.

The field is made of synthetic turf. Maintenance facilities are located in a separate building next to the stadium. There is also a small office space, ticket booths and three sales kiosks.


Facility bookings
+358 (0)17 182 550

Up-to-date booking calendar
You can browse open/booked slots in the calendar, but cannot register or book the field in the system.


Contact information

Street address: Puijonlaaksontie 14

Post code: 70200

Post office: Kuopio


Phone: 017 182 550

Additional information

Kioski: Yes

Kenttien lkm: 1

Kentän pituus m: 115m

Katettua katsomoa hlö: 1000

Pintamateriaali sulana: Hiekkatekonurmi

Kentän leveys m: 55m

Ottelukello: Yes

Pukukopit: Yes

Katsomon kapasiteetti hlö: 1400

Pinta-ala m2: 6325㎡

Äänentoisto: Yes