Sports facilities available for booking

On this page, you can find links to the up-to-date booking calendars for sports facilities. You can browse bookings and register and search for available hours. Booking applications for weekends must be submitted by Friday noon, except for the Kuopio Hall, Kuntolaakso swimming pool, Niirala ice arena and Lippumäki artificial skating rink.
Indoor swimming pools
Sports halls
Booking calendar for the entire sports hall
Booking calendar for the entire hall
Booking calendar for other Kuopio Hall facilities
Booking calendar for athletics, e.g. running tracks
Booking calendar for gymnastics
Booking calendar for badminton courts
Booking calendar for ball fields, spring–autumn (basketball, floorball, volleyball)
Booking calendar for ball fields, winter (football, baseball, floorball, volleyball)
Booking calendar for floorball, match arena
Booking calendar for table tennis
When booking Kuopio Hall for events, please note the restrictions on the use of the areas before and after the event.
Booking calendar for the ice arena
School gyms
Sports facilities in recreation centres
Ball fields and skating rinks
For more information on booking sports facilities:
Bookings for facilities
Visiting address: City Council building, Suokatu 42, 70100 Kuopio. Service and telephone hours: weekdays 9–11 and 12–14.
Kuopio Hall bookings
Kuopio Hall facilities are booked directly via email or by phone.
Instructions for using the booking calendar
Registration and user instructions
Price lists for booking sports facilities
Price list for the Kuopio Hall
Price lists for swimming pools