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Welcome to Kuopio event 20.3.2024 at 15.00

Kuopiorock festival at Väinölänniemi 25.-27.7.2024

Valokuva Ensemble Nylandiasta. Kuvassa joukko ihmisiä soittimien kanssa.

BarokkiKuopio 17.-21.7.2024

Kuva ulkoa Kuopion korttelimuseon rakennuksesta, jossa sijaitsee kahvila.

Summer cafe in the Old Kuopio Museum

Person is holding Himalayan balsam.

Volunteer to combat invasive alien plant species in Kuopio

Kuvassa vuoden 2024 matkailuneuvoja Mualiman Napa Shopissa.

Tourist Information guides serve tourists and citizens again this summer

Kallion sisään louhittu, suuri liikuntakenttä, jonka reunoilla on värikkäät katsomot.

Luola opens in August - but how to get there?

Turkoosin värinen linja-auto pysähtyneenä torin laidalle kesäisenä aurinkoisena päivänä.

Midsummer brings exceptions to Vilkku bus timetables

Enjoy Finnish nature this weekend for Wildflower Day!

This weekend is a great opportunity to spend some time outdoors and learn more about Finnish nature! On Sunday, it is Luonnonkukkien päivä – Wildflower Day. This day is celebrated […]

Another photography top name in the VB photography center's summer!

As usual, the VB photography center’s summer exhibition features works by an internationally known photography artist. Gregory Grewdson’s “Eveningside” arrives in Kuopio from Italy. The exhibition has been curated exclusively […]

Council of Europe's experts on good relations and inclusive integration visited Kuopio

Kuopio is one of the six pilot cities in the Council of Europe’s Good Relations project “Building an inclusive integration approach in Finland”. Other pilot cities are Vantaa, Hämeenlinna, Tampere, […]

Word Environment Day 2024 highlights nature restoration

Today marks World Environment Day, the biggest international day for the environment! Meant to raise awareness about environmental issues, it was established by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) in […]

Väinölänniemi tennis courts are open again - individual booking now available

Summer tennis season in Kuopio is now officially open, as the booking of individual tennis courts in Väinölänniemi Park started on Monday 3.6.2024. You can book individual tennis courts at […]

Fisherman: get your fishing permits in time

Police is involved in the control of fishing permits in North Savo. City of Kuopio, Metsähallitus and and fishing districts are also involved. The control covers fish catching regulations, closed […]

City of Kuopio participates in the Pride event in June

North Savo Seta and its partners will organize Kuopio Pride event 5-8 June 2024. City of Kuopio will support the event and organize a varied program for the week. Equality […]