Kuopio by Nature 2025, the annual publication of the City of Kuopio, has been released

The sixth edition of Kuopio by Nature is published in both Finnish and English. The anniversary magazine brings together the important history of the 250-year-old city, today’s top expertise and reflections on the future. The magazine is freely available online and is distributed to the city’s customer service points, educational institutions, tourist attractions, and at various events.
The 2025 edition will focus, among other things, on the 250th anniversary of the city. The magazine will showcase the city’s anniversary programme, its development projects and the stories of Kuopio residents, reflecting the city’s diverse life and sense of community.
Kuopio by Nature acts as a showcase for the city to the world, promoting Kuopio’s visibility and attractiveness both domestically and internationally. The magazine is aimed at businesses, investors, stakeholders, media, decision-makers, tourists, international partners and sister cities.

The magazine is now published in both Finnish and English.
The magazine in English: https://issuu.com/kuopio/docs/kuopio_by_nature_2025_english_web
We would like to receive feedback on the 2025 publication: https://q.surveypal.com/KbN or by email editor@kuopio.fi .
If you would like to receive the magazine for your event or office, please contact: annika.parkkonen@kuopio.fi