Treatment of injuries caused by accidents at school

Koululaiset kiipeilevät kiipeilytelineessä.

Treatment of injuries caused by accidents that occur in basic education schools (including afternoon activities organised by the city) and while travelling to school as well as at events organised by the school, such as class excursions and school camps, is free of charge for the pupil (section 34 of the Basic Education Act). The City of Kuopio has a voluntary group personal accident insurance with Pohjola Vakuutus.

The insurance covers the costs incurred from accidents that occur during the school day based on a certificate issued by a physician or healthcare provider. Costs to be reimbursed include medical transport, medicines and hospital care, additional school transport as well as physiotherapy necessary after surgery or immobilisation treatment.

Costs related to a pupil’s illness and damage to the pupil’s property, such as spectacles and accessories, are not reimbursed except in case of an accident.

Reimbursement of costs incurred from accidents occurring at school, on the way to school and at events organised by the school

Reimbursement of costs incurred from accidents at school (pdf) (in Finnish)