Weighted-curriculum education in grades 3 to 6

Kolme alakouluikäistä oppilasta soittimineen musiikkitunnilla.

Visual arts

In Pirtti School, pupils can choose instruction with emphasis on visual arts. The objective of the instruction with emphasis on visual arts is to experiment and practise with different means of visual production and to develop the pupils’ visual skills in a goal-oriented manner. The instruction supports the pupils in building their identities as well as improves their cultural competence and prerequisites and practices for working together.

Physical education

In the sports classes at Jynkkä School, pupils familiarise themselves with many forms of physical activity, get to know different sports and acquire versatile skills that lay the foundation for engaging in different forms of physical activity. The sports classes participate actively in inter-school competitions.

Mathematics and science

At Pöyterö School, pupils can choose instruction with emphasis on mathematics and science. The aim of this instruction is to deepen the pupils’ understanding of and competence in mathematics and natural sciences, to inspire and motivate them to develop their skills, and to encourage them to choose mathematics and science fields in their further studies. The pupils study an advanced curriculum in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and geography.


The aim of instruction with emphasis on music is to develop the pupil’s musical skills and abilities diversely, to inspire them in independent musical activities, and to provide them with capabilities for attending music classes in upper secondary school, participating in orchestras and similar activities. Classes with emphasis on music for grades 3 to 6 can be found in the schools of Haapaniemi, Kalevala and Rajala.


Kalevala School provides instruction with emphasis on dance. The instruction of dance aims to develop the pupil’s dance skills and abilities as well as their creativity. In the dance classes, pupils familiarise themselves with different types of dance, practise making their own choreographies and learn to care for their bodies. In addition, pupils receive information about dance styles and the history of dance.

Curricula and distributions of lesson hours for weighted-curriculum education

Curricula and distributions of lesson hours for weighted-curriculum education (in Finnish)

Schools providing weighted-curriculum education

Instruction with emphasis on visual arts at Pirtti School (in Finnish)

Instruction with emphasis on sports at Jynkkä School (in Finnish)

Instruction with emphasis on mathematics and science at Pyörö School (in Finnish)

Instruction with emphasis on music at Haapaniemi School (in Finnish)

Instruction with emphasis on music at Kalevala School (in Finnish)

Instruction with emphasis on music at Rajala School (in Finnish)

Instruction with emphasis on dance at Kalevala School (in Finnish)