LuontoVilkku takes you to nearby nature sites

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LuontoVilkku is a service supporting nature tourism in the region, which presents interesting local nature sites around Kuopio. LuontoVilkku destinations are easily accessible by public transport or city bikes.

Vilkku nature stops are currently located in Väinölänniemi park, Pölhö island and Katiskaniemi cape. You can identify the nature bus stops by the green LuontoVilkku sign.

Väinölänniemi, Pölhö and Katiskaniemi as LuontoVilkku sites

Väinölänniemi is a large, recreational park and sports oasis that looks south towards the Kallavesi archipelago. Väinölänniemi area is part of the Kuopio National Urban Park. It is only a five-minute walk from Kuopio’s market square. You can get there from the city centre by bus number 1 or Vilkku e-bike.

Pölhö is located next to Saaristokatu Street, about 10 minutes by bus from the centre of Kuopio. The nature on the island consists mainly of light, mixed pine forest. Pölhö can be reached by buses 5 and 6 or Vilkku e-bike.

Katiskaniemi is located in Rauhalahti, about 25 minutes by bus from the centre of Kuopio. It is a 14-hectare protected area, almost entirely a nature reserve. Katiskaniemi can be reached by bus 7 or Vilkku e-bike.

So jump on board and enjoy the nature!

Read more about LuontoVilkku on the website.