Day-care centres

Aikuinen lukee kirjaa kolmelle lapselle.

Day-care centres provide early childhood education and care for child groups. The group sizes vary depending on the children’s ages.

Evening care and non-standard hour care are provided for the children of families who need it because of the parents’ work or studies. Day-care centres with extended opening hours: Tuohikontti, Kuoppamäki, Rauhalahti, Länsi-Puijo, Melalahti, Männistö. Evening care and non-standard hour care: Haapaniemi, Juankoski, Nilsiä, Petosenmutka, Maaninka.

Temporary care is intended for under school-age children in home care. Care can be organised to meet temporary needs at all day-care centres and family day-care places when possible depending on the staffing situation.

Temporary care may be used even if the parent receives a child home care allowance or the child has a care place in another municipality. 

Enquiries about temporary care should be addressed to heads of day-care centres or family day-care supervisors.

Activities during holiday times

Some of the day-care centres in the City of Kuopio are closed during the week of schools’ autumn and winter break and on days that will be announced separately in summer and around Christmas. For more information about the arrangements for holiday time activities, please contact the unit supervisors.

All Day-care centres details are in Finnish: