Suspected food poisonings

A food poisoning means an infection or poisoning caused by food or household water. While food poisonings usually pass relatively quickly, they may sometimes cause serious and long-term illnesses or consequences, especially for persons in at-risk groups.
Investigating suspected food poisonings is one of the tasks of food control authorities. If a customer reports a food poisoning to a company, under the law this must be immediately notified to the food control authorities. If you as a customer suspect that you have contracted a food poisoning, report it to the food control authorities as soon as possible. The sooner suspected cases of food poisoning are reported, the better the possibilities of finding out the cause of the potential illness are. You can use an electronic form to report a suspected food poisoning.
Use the e-form to report a suspected case of food poisoning to the food control authorities!
Read more about food poisonings (in Finnish)