Jade Jiminez – a storyteller

Pyysimme jokaiselta videotuotantoon osallistuneelta pienen tarinan projektiin osallistumisesta. Jaden video on neliosaisen videosarjan viimeinen. Jaden videossa nähdään tarina sosiaalisen median sisällöntuotantoon innostuneesta nuoresta, joka muutti Suomeen maapallon toiselta puolelta. Lue Jaden tarina ja katso täynnä tunnetta oleva video.

How did it feel when you first heard that we want you to join in the video series?

It was a very nice surprise! I really like the concept and it was beautiful to hear that you wanted to incorporate stories from foreigners as part of the video series. I had the chance to see some of the videos that were done before, so I was extremely excited to work on this project and see it come true.

What was it like to make a video, and did some particular experience/situation stay in mind?

I love making videos! I do that for my own YouTube channel (Jadeziii) and I have also done it in several other occasions with businesses of different types, so the filming part on itself wasn’t really something “new” to me. What is always new and different is working in the specific project, planning it, working with the production team, and seeing it all come together.

I had a wonderful time working with the team of Tallistudio and I definitely enjoyed having another person filming me – usually is just me filming myself *laughs*. I guess the best part was knowing that we got to shoot in different parts of Kuopio and that now I will get to show my network the place where I live as well as a part of my story through that beautiful video we made. 

Did you find new insights when shooting the video, or is there something you’d like to share?

I just had a lot of fun! Kuopio is a very beautiful city, small, but beautiful and I am so happy – as I said before – that we got to shoot in various places. It was the harbor, the renovated museum and streets, the forest, the lake, the park… I love my small city! I have been living a little over 10 years here and I am sure that I will stay still for some more years. 

What inspires you in Kuopio or what do you think is the ”Thing” in here?

Having the space to discover who you are while exploring and testing all of your ideas.  

The calm, the quietness, the simpleness of the city… In Kuopio you get to enjoy a good life, even when professionally you may not be occupying a leadership position. For me, Kuopio has been the space where I got my education and kick-started my professional career. This career has allowed me to become financially independent from my parents, who used to pay for absolutely all of my expenses when I was a student, and I was able to accomplish this without professionally occupying a position of leadership.

Being able to enjoy a “good life” and have all of my “basic needs” covered while being in a city such as Kuopio has allowed me to get creative and play. The calm, quietness and simpleness of the city have given me the space to look inwards, explore and discover who I am, who do I want to be, what are my craziest dreams, what do I want to do, what do I want to have, what do I want to accomplish, what do I need to heal to achieve all of that… At the same time, I have got the space to play and test almost all of the crazy projects and ideas that have come to my mind and with that, learn what works and what doesn’t. Do, learn, modify and repeat – that’s the vibe I get in Kuopio.

Why Kuopio is the place to live, study and work?

I always like to say that if you are in Kuopio, you can easily go to Helsinki and easily go to Oulu, in other words, Kuopio is perfectly in the middle. But for those who don’t necessarily like to be moving from place A to place B long distance, Kuopio is a city that has a lot if not everything that you may need to live a happy life. And if there are things that Kuopio does not have yet, then it is the perfect space for you to bring them. Someone once told me that ”There is really not much happening in Kuopio”, and I my first thought was ”Great, then it’s my chance to change that”.

Life in Kuopio? It has it all – or almost all. And if there is something that it doesn’t have yet, then it’s your chance to change that – bring it, construct it, start it, make it happen.

Studies in Kuopio? Let’s talk about high school in English (Hi, IB diploma in Kuopion Lyseo lukio), Bachelor programmes in English (Hi, Savonia), Master and PhD studies in English (Hi, UEF). You name it!

Work in Kuopio? There’s options and if you have a car and like to drive, you can have even more options!

Is there anything else you’d like to tell us?

This was pretty epic. Can’t wait to see all of the stories that will be published and hopefully you will have the chance to keep making and sharing some more. 

Check out the video!

Tämä videosarja on ”Oivalluksia elämästä” -tuotannon toinen osa. Täynnä hyvää tunnetta olevien lyhyiden filmien toinen osa kertoo neljä inspiroivaa tarinaa Kuopion alueen nuoremmista osaajista ja vaikuttajista. Mukana ovat liikunnanohjaaja ja triathlonisti Aki Hurula, Jonas and I -yhtyeen Roope Hakkarainen, Kuopioon asettunut markkinointiassistentti Jade Jiminez sekä muotoilija Satu Nisu. Videot julkaistaan pienen tarinan kera.

Tuotannon ensimmäinen osa koostui kuuden videon sarjasta, missä mukana ovat kansainvälisesti tunnettu lasitaiteilija ja muotoilija Ritva-Liisa Pohjalainen, työyhteisövalmentaja (Hiljainen mieli Oy) Hanna Kumpulainen, konserttimestari ja ammattiviulisti Lila Watanabe, LujaBetonin toimitusjohtaja ja triathlonisti Mikko Isotalo, hallitusammattilainen Tarja Tikkanen sekä Talentreen senior adviser Mika Sutinen. Katso myös videotuotannon ensimmäinen osa: Oivalluksia elämästä – YouTube