I love kuopiolainen

We invite everyone to participate in the prevention of loneliness. 

On this page, you can find the instructions and materials for the “I love kuopiolainen” campaign.

The campaign is part of the activities of the national Lähde movement (in Finnish) in Kuopio. Each month during 2023, the campaign will highlight various themes related to loneliness. The aim is to raise awareness and to ask what each of us can do in our daily lives to prevent loneliness. We want to provide information, reduce the stigma of loneliness and challenge everyone to participate in its prevention.

You can take part in the campaign by distributing the campaign materials through your own communication channels on the 10th of each month. You will have access to social media images (Facebook and Instagram) as well as info screen images.

When sharing the material on social media, you can, for example, write an update that describes your own actions in preventing loneliness. To create a big impact, why not challenge the actors in your network to participate in the campaign as well!

The annual social media clock of the I love kuopiolainen activities 

Each month features a unique social media image. We encourage using the texts and images below in connection with the images. You are free to edit the text according to your own content. 

In addition, each image is to be accompanied by the following hashtags: 

  • #kuopio #ilovekuopiolainen #lähdemukaan #lähdeliike #yhdessäyksinäisyyttävastaan
  • Add topic-related text to the post: What can you/your organisation do to combat loneliness? What can a person who sees your post do when they want to help someone who’s lonely? 
  • Tag someone in your network who you want to invite to join the Lähde campaign. Let them also know about the website www.kuopio.fi/ilovekuopiolainen

1. January

Text for social media: “Senior citizens can become face to face with loneliness both when living alone and in an assisted living facility. In case of a sudden loss or illness of a loved one, the feeling of loneliness may be very sudden. Encounters and social networks often dwindle after retirement as well. With small deeds, we can support everyday wellbeing and reduce the experience of loneliness. When dealing with long distances, phone calls, postcards or video calls can provide important moments in life.”

2. February  

Text for social media: “An I love kuopiolainen challenge: Join us! The “Join us” challenge invites you to enjoy the outdoors with other people and to engage with each other in the prevention of loneliness. Ask your neighbour, acquaintance, relative or fellow student to join you for a walk, some skating or a trip to a lean-to.

Links for the post and a link box for the story: Kuopio lean-to shelters and huts: https://liikkuvakuopio.fi/liikuntapaikat/laavu-kota-tai-kammi/

3. March 

Text for social media: “We may sometimes find people who accept us as we are in surprising places. We are different from each other in many ways, which is always an asset. The fundamental experience of humanity is undeniably similar.”

4. April

Text for social media: “An ‘I love kuopiolainen’ challenge: Ask can I help you? April’s challenge reminds us of how important it is for us all to be noticed. Providing some neighbourly assistance may include carrying shopping bags, giving your neighbour some freshly baked buns, helping with window washing, taking out the rubbish, or handing your neighbour a tulip in the stairwell. Taking the other person into account doesn’t even always require a common language.” 

5. May

Text for social media: “Doing good deeds that are meaningful increase our happiness and ease our own and another people’s experience of loneliness. There are a variety of ways to perform acts of kindness towards others. Discover your own way of volunteering.” 

6. June

Text for social media: “People around the world face discrimination because of who they love and who they are. Together, we can all contribute to everyone’s experience of belonging and security. Togetherness is a counterforce to loneliness. Let’s celebrate Pride month while keeping each other in our hearts and minds!”

7. July

Text for social media: “Holidays are associated with expectations of unforgettable experiences that will be recounted when we return to our schools and workplaces in the autumn. We often assume that everyone has already made their summer plans. However, summer holidays can be a lonely time for people who have nobody to carry out their holiday plans with. How can you make sure nobody is left alone? Could you maybe ask a loved one or an acquaintance to join you for some fun activities?”

8. August

Text for social media: “Bullying leaves a long-lasting mark. Many of those who are bullied as a child continue feeling lonely as an adult. We are all key players when it comes to the prevention of bullying – thank you for efforts in tackling the issue.” 

9. September

Text for social media: “At this time of year, nature overflows with beautiful colours and generously provides us with wild harvest. Have you thought about surprising your neighbour or loved one with some wild mushrooms or berries? Maybe you could ask them to join you for a walk in the forest?

Links: To learn more about leisure trails in the Kuopio area, visit https://liikkuvakuopio.fi/liikuntapaikat/kavelyreitti-ulkoilureitti/

10. October

Text for social media: “By carrying out small deeds, we can ensure that everyone feels welcome to take part in the group and joint events. What small gesture could you make to show others you take them into account?”

11. November

Text for social media: “Pets have a positive impact on psychological wellbeing – they can alleviate feelings of loneliness, force you to leave your house to meet other people and increase the feeling that you are important to others.” 

12. December

Text for social media: “Feelings of loneliness can sneak up on you around Christmas time. However, there’s no use making yourself feel bad even if your Christmas isn’t picture-perfect. The feeling of loneliness can be alleviated by doing things that are meaningful to you. What does your Christmas look like? Would you like to spend your Christmas helping others or taking part in resident activities, for example?”

Contact information

Tanja Tilles-Tirkkonen

Coordinator of Wellbeing Promotion

+358 44 718 2506
