Peer instructors for sports groups

ihmisiä uimassa.

Would you like to join our growing group of peer instructors?  

The City of Kuopio is looking for senior citizens interested in becoming peer instructors. Peer-instructed sports groups are open to everyone, and membership of any organisation is not required. Peer instructors are trained to guide balance exercise, chair workout, gym training, and pool exercise groups, for example.  All those interested in becoming peer instructors are welcome to join!

Peer support is available, as there are over 100 peer instructors already. Read more about volunteer work in Kuopio.

Working as a peer instructor

All peer instructors are trained for the task free of charge. Peer instructors can exercise together with their group. Peer instructors are invited on excursions in the spring and autumn, and they are assigned their own group. They will also have the opportunity to participate in the City’s other sports groups free of charge.

Sign up as a volunteer

Sign up as a volunteer

Contact information

Carita Randelin-Kauppinen

Sports instructor/Senior citizens

+358 44 718 2509

Jyrki Tarvainen

Sports instructor/Kuopio, Vehmersalmi, Riistavesi and Karttula

+358 44 718 4932

Noora Jauhiainen

Sports instructor/Kuopio, Nilsiä, Juankoski and Maaninka

+358 44 748 8228

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Kuopio in Motion