Kuopio in Motion

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Sports news

Sports events

KalPa - KooKoo This link will open to a new tab

17.1.2025, 18.30
Hannes Kolehmaisen katu 4

Polkuja koreografiakilpailu This link will open to a new tab

17.1.2025, 0.00 – 19.1.2025, 0.00
Kauppakatu 44

SM-ralli Kuopio This link will open to a new tab

17.1.2025, 0.00 – 18.1.2025, 0.00
Kauppakatu 45

Tanssitempaus This link will open to a new tab

21.1.2025, 16.00 – 19.00
Niiralankatu 2