Kuopio on social media

The City of Kuopio uses social media channels to provide information and for marketing, and to stimulate discussion on the City’s operations, events, and current topics. Social media provides a direct connection between the City and the residents.
The city has main channels on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok, YouTube, and Vimeo. In addition, service areas and several operational units and projects use their own social media channels.
Social media channels
Follow the news and current topics, comment and discuss!
Business Kuopio – Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | LinkedIn
Hyvän asumisen Kuopio (Good living in Kuopio) – Instagram
I Love Kuopio – Facebook | Instagram
Kino Kuvakukko – Facebook
Culture Kuopio – Facebook | Instagram
Kuopio-Tahko Markkinointi / Marketing – Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | LinkedIn | YouTube
Kuopion alue / Kuopio region – Facebook | Instagram | Twitter
Kuopion kaupunginkirjasto / Kuopio City Library – Facebook | Instagram
Kuopion kansalaisopisto / Kuopio Adult Education Centre – Facebook | Instagram
Kuopion kaupungin kansalaistoiminnan palvelut / Civic engagement services – Facebook
Kuopion kaupungin varhaiskasvatuspalvelut / Early childhood education and care in Kuopio – Facebook | Instagram
Kuopion kaupungin ympäristönsuojelu- ja rakennusvalvontapalvelut / Environmental and building control services in Kuopio – Facebook | Instagram
Kuopion kaupunginteatteri / Kuopio City Theatre
– Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTubeKuopion kaupunginorkesteri / Kuopio City orchestra – Facebook | Instagram | YouTube
Kuopion Musiikkikeskus / Kuopio Music Centre – Facebook | Instagram | YouTube
Kuopion museo / Kuopio Museum – Facebook | Instagram | YouTube
Kuopion taidemuseo / Kuopio Art Museum – Facebook | Instagram | YouTube
Kuopion korttelimuseo / Old Kuopio Museum – Facebook | Instagram
Kuopion luonnontieteellinen museo / Kuopio Natural History Museum – Facebook | YouTube
Kuopion luonnontieteellinen museo, KUHMU / Kuopio Cultural History Museum – Facebook | YouTube
Kuopion seudun joukkoliikenne, Vilkku / Kuopio Region Public Transport – Facebook
Kuopion työllisyyspalvelu / Employment Services in Kuopio – Facebook | Instagram | Twitter
Kuopion Vesi / Kuopio Water – Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn
Liikkuva Kuopio / Kuopio in Motion – Facebook | Instagram
Mestar Kuopio – Facebook | LinkedIn
Po1nt – Nuorten portaali / Po1nt Youth Portal – Facebook | Instagram
Pohjois-Savon pelastuslaitos / Northern Savo rescue department
– Facebook | Instagram | TwitterSavilahti-projekti / Savilahti project – Facebook | Instagram | Twitter
The principles of safer social media in Kuopio city channels
City of Kuopio wants to develop its social media channels so that they are as safe a virtual space as possible for everyone. It is important for us to think about how we talk about things, what words we use and what kind of pictures we post on social media. We deal with issues in a way that respects people and in clear language that does not exclude anyone.
City of Kuopio is regulated by the Non-Discrimination Law.
In addition, City of Kuopio’s work on equality and non-discrimination is guided by the city’s equality and non-discrimination plan 2022-2025. Communication can be found in a separate section of the plan.
Below is a list of principles that we expect from all our social media channels.
Respect all debaters and views
- Avoid stereotypes and generalisations.
- Don`t get personal.
- There is no room for swearing and name-calling on our social media channels.
- Don’t assume – be open to the experiences and views of others.
- Remember that what is obvious to you may be completely new to someone else.
Violence, racism and discrimination will not be tolerated on our social media channels
- Our channels do not accept comments that violate human rights or question the dignity of any group of people.
- Our channels do not accept hate speech, threats, sexist, racist or incitement to violence and crime messages or the sharing of disinformation.
- Our social media channels respect gender diversity and do not tolerate discriminatory language related to sexual orientation or gender.
We monitor and act
- We will delete comments that do not follow our guidelines.
- We remove spam and disinformation and links that we do not know to be safe.
- People who repeatedly break these guidelines may be temporarily banned from our social media channels.
- We report all serious threats and harassment to the authorities.
Developing a safer online world together
- If you feel or notice that someone else feels that a conversation on our social media channels is unsafe, we hope you will let us know by sending us a private message.
- We all make mistakes. If you find that you have behaved badly, apologise and learn from the situation.
- Don’t make fun of others who have made mistakes.
- Our aim is to develop our channels and their culture of discussion, so ideas and thoughts for improvement are important to us. You can always contact us with ideas for development via private messages on our social media channels or by email at verkkotoimitus(at)kuopio.fi.