Magazines and publications

Kohtaamisia magazine
The City of Kuopio publishes an annual resident magazine Kohtaamisia (Meetings), which provides information on the City’s services, events, and people. Kohtaamisia is distributed free of charge to each household in Kuopio, and it is also available at several distribution point in Kuopio region.
Read Kohtaamisia online magazine (in Finnish)
Kuopio by Nature
Kuopio by Nature is amagazine published annually by the City. It presents Kuopio through three themes – Nature, Live like local and Future Kuopio. The magazine is published both in English and in Finnish.
The aim of Kuopio by Nature is to support the reputation and attractiveness of Kuopio both in Finland and internationally. The publication supports the City’s communications and marketing spearheads, setting their annual priorities. It is also linked to the City’s communication plan. Kuopio by Nature introduces the best of Kuopio to the world.
The annual publication is aimed at companies, investors, stakeholders, the media, decision-makers, tourists, international actors and sister cities.
Read more about Kuopio by Nature
Read the newest online publication (Kuopio by Nature 2024)
Kuopio suunnittelee ja rakentaa (Kuopio plans and builds)
Kuopio suunnittelee ja rakentaa is an annual publication by the Service Area for Urban Environment. It includes a planning report approved by the City Board and public utility design and construction sites.
The publication can be read online and it is also available in printed form from the customer service of the council building and from our customer service points in Nilsiä and Maaninka.
Read the latest Kuopio suunnittelee ja rakentaa 2023 publication.