Looking for premises or a plot?

Do you or does your business need new premises? Or are you looking for bigger premises for your business?
Business Kuopio and the Business Development Services of the City of Kuopio can help your company look for suitable premises. Whether you operate in industry, commerce or some other field, we strive to offer your business a versatile range of location options. You can use the Search tool for business premises to post available premises for rent and/or sale. The service is free of charge.
Our experts can also advise and help you with permit issues, applying for a plot, town planning matters and negotiations with the city, for example. You can find out more about the commercial plots in the central urban area of Kuopio and in the rural districts. Based on this, we will give you a tailored proposition for a plot solution. If necessary, we can also help you find property investors or locate vacant premises.
The majority of plots for commerce and other business activities are located to the south of the city center, near the motorway. The business area of Pieni Neulamäki in Pitkälahti is the newest addition to our range of options.
We also identify potential investments in the Kuopio region for investors.
If you need help with plots and premises or finding potential investments, Mika is at your service. (Please note that before submitting a plot reservation application, we ask that you contact the business promotion officers)
Developing and growing Kuopio
Kuopio is a developing city with a population of approximately 123,000, where the focus is on sustainable growth. A new city district, focusing on research, studies, business and living, is currently being built in Savilahti near the city centre, and investments are a total of one billion euros in the development.
Business Kuopio actively develops business environments together with companies. We are a partner in developing ideas for new activities and we are looking for business clusters that promote attraction in the regions. A great example is the development work in Bellanranta, where a center promoting well-being is being built in an old industrial area.