Environmental noise

Henkilöautoja ja busseja liikennöi tiellä, joka kulkee sillan yli.

By definition, noise is sound that is disturbing or harmful to hearing. As the definition is conceptually very broad, the “noise” of our sound environment is sometimes open to interpretation. Not all sounds in our living environment are noise, but they are and are perceived to be part of normal life and are not necessarily perceived as disturbing.

The series “Sounds of Kuopio” (“Kuopio ääninä”), carried out during the late winter, spring and summer of 2021, aims to illustrate the sounds of normal life without defining noise. Some of the sounds in the series could be noise in the wrong place or at the wrong time, but on the other hand, those sounds tell us that society works and people and nature are living their everyday lives.

You can find out more about the “Sound of Kuopio” series, its background and production as listen to the “Sounds of Kuopio” on the series blog. You can also listen to the sounds on the “Sounds of Kuopio” YouTube channel.

Reports and guidelines on noise abatement

Mikko Sokura

environmental inspector

+358 44 718 2147


Essi Holopainen

environmental inspector

+358 44 718 2004
