Using and booking community centres

Nuoret portaikossa. Kuvituskuva.

What facilities can I book and where can I make the reservation? What kind of events and activities can I organise? Are you looking for a space for an activity or a meeting? You can find answers to these questions on this page.

How to use and book

Residents and organisations can book community centres for activities and events free of charge. The Karttula, Länsi-Puijo, Männistö, Nilsiä and Vehmersalmi facilities are available for evening and weekend use. Maaninkatalo facilities can also be booked for events. Read more about the library’s facilities available for booking.

The events organised in the aforementioned facilities must be open to everyone free of charge, substance-free, and free of party-political or religious affiliations. Examples of suitable events and activities include book clubs, chair workout sessions, debate sessions, activities for families with children, and pop-up events. The facilities can be booked for events organised jointly by several parties, e.g. for panel discussions. For their own events, parties can only book facilities that are subject to a charge.

Explore community centres!
Community centres

Checklist for users of community centres

  • The event organiser is responsible for the activities organised in the premises and for ensuring that the premises are in good condition after use (rubbish and other waste have been disposed of, brochures removed, furniture and equipment in their assigned places, electrical equipment turned off, doors locked, space empty and the dishes done).
  • The organiser will be charged for any extra cleaning work required.
  • The event organiser is responsible for informing the participants about the event. The event organiser commits to informing the person who took the booking about the total number of participants after the event (contact information can be found in the facility-specific instructions).
  • The computer, copier, office space, and any foodstuffs found in the community centres may not be used in the absence of a community worker.

Booking a facility

  • Community centres and Kohtaamo can be booked from the community workers of the civic engagement services.
  • Reservations for the Karttula community centre and Maaninkatalo: Airi Asikainen, tel. +358 44 748 8257,

In connection with the booking, the conformity of the event or activity with the general principles of community activities is ensured and the event is appointed a designated contact person who must be actively involved in the planning of the event.

Details needed for each booking include the name of the event, the date and time, the responsible organisation/party, the contact details of the person in charge of the event (name, phone number, e-mail address, street address) and the estimated number of participants.

Contact information for community workers

Katja Haarus
tel. +358 40 718 2419

Outi Kuosmanen
Nilsiä, Vehmersalmi, Kohtaamo
tel. +358 44 718 2155

Pirkko-Liisa Lehtonen
Länsi-Puijo, Männistö
tel. +358 44 718 2417

Minna Toivola
tel. +358 44 718 2017