Osaaminen esille (Highlight Your Skills) job search coaching

Come and update your job-hunting skills!
Valmennus on tarkoitettu juuri sinulle, kun haluat tukea työnhakuun ja sen toimintasuunnitelman tekoon tai ammatillisen uravalinnan selkiyttämiseen.

The coaching is intended for those who need support in their job search and the preparation of a job-hunting action plan, or who want to clarify their career choices. 

Come and update your job-hunting skills! 

The coaching is intended for those who need support in their job search and the preparation of a job-hunting action plan, or who want to clarify their career choices. 

The duration of the coaching is 5 working days. During the coaching, you will receive individual guidance and, with the assistance of your coach, apply for and complete 1–2 certificate(s) necessary for your employment (occupational safety card, hygiene passport, alcohol passport, hot work card, forklift card, EA1 or emergency first aid). 

The job coaching is available to clients of the TE Office and the local government pilot. 

More information: 

Clients of the local government pilot: 

Your personal coach can help you with any questions related to the coaching. You can contact your personal coach through the contact request form in the TE Services’ Oma asiointi (My e-Services) portal.