
All permanently occupied properties, recreational properties on the mainland and islands as well as public assembly points must have an address that guides emergency and maintenance traffic as well as other traffic. 

The most up-to-date, official information on addresses and road and street names used in the municipality can be found on the Kuopio Map Service and, for neighbouring municipalities, in the National Land Survey’s Karttapaikka service. 

The municipality is responsible for providing official addresses or correcting them if necessary.

The street names of area covered by a city plan are based on the city plan in force in the area, and the address numbering is usually consecutive. 

In addition to address numbers given to sparsely populated areas, new address roads will be designated, if necessary, by the municipality or at the initiative of the residents living along these roads. Private roads are not always official address roads nor are their names official address road names. 

The street and road name signs are set up by the municipality.  
You can notify of missing or unclear road name plates by e-mail to osoiteasiat[at] 

Getting an address number plate, attaching the plate, maintenance and assessment of the adequacy of the property’s address plate are the responsibility of the property owner/holder (section 84 of the MRA). For large plots/areas with more than one building, it is also recommended that the area guide board be placed in a visible location on the entrance to the plot. 

The municipality reports new/changed road names and addresses to different authorities, such as the Population Information System and Posti. Residents must themselves report their new or changed address to the services they use and customer registers, to which the information is not updated from the Population Information System. 

The municipality is not responsible for updating the materials of navigators and other map services of companies or other private service providers.

Map service address information will be updated in the manner and speed that the service provider sees fit. If you notice an error on the map, you can report it directly to the service administrator. The feedback service can be used to report errors detected on Kuopio Map Service maps. 


Lea Eskelinen 

+358 44 718 5548 

Tuula Vornanen 

+358 44 718 5518