Production grant for Our Kuopio Festival

What is the production grant for Our Kuopio Festival?

The Our Kuopio production grant is awarded for covering the costs of organising events in Kuopio during Our Kuopio Festival. The grant can be used to cover, for example, material and marketing expenses and fees.

You can submit a production grant application for a single event or for a series of events. If you apply for funding for a series of events, only fill in one application for the whole series. Grants are not awarded separately for parts of a series of events. Additional information may be requested for the application.

Grant applications can be submitted at any time, and they will be processed in the order of arrival. Application for Our Kuopio festival (10. – 25.8.2024) has ended.

The production grant is EUR 500–10 000 per event. Please note! Applications will not be processed in July. Decisions on the grants are made by the City of Kuopio’s civic engagement services.

In 2024, we encourage operators to organise events also outside the festival weeks. It is possible to apply for Our Kuopio Festival production grant for these events. Applications can be submitted at any time until 1 November 2024. Applications must be submitted no later than two (2) weeks before the event takes place.

If your event is on or after 17.11.2024, you can apply for the Kuopio 250th anniversary programme. If necessary, the City of Kuopio will co-finance the productions selected for the programme with production grant. More information on the Kuopio250 anniversary here.


For further information, contact Our Kuopio Festival’s producer

Hanna Kalliokoski

Project Coordinator

Civic engagement services

+358 44 718 2130