Job coaching for immigrants (Validi)

The objective of the coaching is to help you identify your abilities and the opportunities available to you

Puijola’s Validi coaching service offers job coaching for unemployed jobseekers with immigrant backgrounds. 

Validi is an individualised coaching service whose aim is to discover the best job or study place for each client. When necessary, we can help our client acquire the digital competencies and communication, interaction and networking skills that will aid them in their job search. 

  • We offer personalised coaching that can help you find the right job or study path. 
  • We provide information on employment and training opportunities. 
  • We can help strengthen your communication and interaction skills. 
  • We will help you network with companies and other actors. 
  • We will make it easier for you to identify and recognise your competence. 
  • If necessary, we can arrange a mentor who speaks your language to support your coaching process. 

More information: 

the Validi network